It's consolidation domination, as we have site news for Days 1,825 through 1,827.

Let's begin.

First up, in observance of the five-year anniversary of the current Art Infliction era and in tribute to the late Willis Reed (who would have turned 81 years old today), the Art Infliction website colors have changed to New York Knicks, with the page background turning blue, the link color turning white, the primary text color turning orange and the secondary text color turning gray.

In the first of three While & After news items, Steve Kaycee's Art Infliction five-year anniversary entry has posted to the Kaycee And The Forefront page, while No Malice Equals No Right To Shoot! has moved to Inflindication, Continued.

In the first of eight Land Of Infusion news items, the Two ThouCentennial page was renamed Catch-22 Hundred, due to 100 more spots being added for future movie evaluations.

In the second While & After news item, the blog entry "Making The Case For Expanding From 2,100 To 2,200" has posted to Sneak Leaks, while Determining 23 In '23 (And In '24) has moved to Fresh At The Time.

In the second Land Of Infusion news item, the following changes have occurred on the Land Of Infusion Era Assessments/Re-Assessments By Category page:

  • The categories "Movies That Have Been Waived, But Could Return To The Tentative Roster" and "Movies That Are No Longer Spot Fill Tournament Eligible, And Could Have Their Tentative Guaranteed Two ThouCentennial Spots Revoked" have both been discontinued
  • The categories "Movies In Limbo", "Movies Hanging By A Thread" and "Movies Waiting To Join The Tentative Roster" have all been consolidated to a new category, entitled "Movies That Are Catch-22 Hundred Crossing-Training"

In news pertaining to the Sub Access page, the name change from Two ThouCentennial to Catch-22 Hundred was applied. Plus, the parent page label for Land Of Infusion was changed to Catch-22 Hundred.

In the third and final While & After news item, wording changes were applied to each version of every Steve Kaycee-written movie review set.

Bloopers has updated, as has its manual counter.

And finally, in all remaining Land Of Infusion news items, the following updates have occurred:

  • The Exact Order Of The Two ThouCentennial Evaluations page was renamed The Exact Order Of The Catch-22 Hundred Evaluations
  • The Tentative Roster page was renamed Catch-22 Hundred Cross-Training, with the purpose being that a minimum of 118 movies need to be present to compete for 118 of the last 125 overall guaranteed Catch-22 Hundred spots. 91 movies currently reside on that newly named page, including Urban Legend and Much Ado About Nothing
  • Tier 9 was renamed 2022 And/Or Older, a tier where movies that came out during or before 2022 will get assessed/re-assessed
  • Tier 10 was renamed 2023 And Beyond, a tier where movies that have been or will be released in 2023 and beyond will also compete for the last 125 overall guaranteed Catch-22 Hundred spots
  • Tier 11 was renamed Digital! Digital!, where movies that can be seen digitally will be assessed for the Catch-22 Hundred Project
  • Shortly after the name change from ThouCentennial to Catch-22 Hundred, Blazing Saddles and About Scout became the 881st and 882nd movies to be marked as completed evaluations

Well, that's all for now.

Thank you and until next time, you have tuned into The Nog.

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